Technology has come so far so fast that things that were unthinkable five years ago are now easy to do. Ten years ago, the World Wide Web, known as the Internet, was unknown by the average American. Just a few years ago, you had to hire a web coder with all kinds of arcane knowledge to create your presence on the Web.
Guess what? You can now do it all yourself! Don’t think that unless you pay for an expensive software package, you aren’t getting “the best.” The only reason you would need such complex software is if you were serious about doing multiple, professional web sites.
Take It Easy with Easy Web Site Builders
What you need is what we all need–low-cost, easy web site builders. The technologists have done all the work for you. You don’t need to know html coding to create a red banner. You just need to know where to click on a web page builder, and–presto! You have a red banner.
Current easy web site builders are created with the rest of us in mind. Programmers have done all the arcane work. You reap the benefits by being able to point-and-click and create your very own, artistic web site in minutes! Easy web site builders enable the computer novice to be “heard” on the web. You can produce the site you want in minutes with easy web site builders. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
Most web development today is done using web frameworks. Well-known server-side frameworks include Laravel, Ruby on Rails, and Django. Popular JavaScript frameworks are React, Angular and Vue.js. Similar to WYSIWYG editors, frameworks solve many problems for web developers regarding the correct display of web pages in different browsers and devices, as it is no longer necessary to write every single line of code in HTML5, CSS3 or another markup or programming language by hand, but rather the source code of frequently used content modules is converted at the push of a button to suit the correct interpretation of different browsers and devices.